For Financers/Investors

As you might be aware of, facilitates media project financing ; for example, a commercial movie or film. FundMedia is here to serve important media project financers / investors like you.

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Interested in funding a media project, i.e. commercial movie/ cinema? Want to search for a media project for financing?

You have came to the right place. REGISTER yourself as a Financer & get all this online! FundMedia facilitates you with a easier search for projects.

Browse through our available MEDIA PROJECTS which are there for funding, which can be commercial movie & others, so you can go through all kinds of projects to fund.

So, as you find some project matching your needs, you can get more details about the same.

If you have found some media project, which you found viable to fund , you can contact us by filling up a form, which you receive after clicking that respective project.